Around 1.3 million confirmed cases of coronavirus in 184 countries and more than 70,000 people have died

The United States has more than twice as many confirmed cases as any other single country and more than half of all the cases have been in Europe, with Spain and Italy worst affected. This series of maps and charts tracks the spread of the virus since it emerged in China in December last year. The United States has more than twice as many confirmed cases as any other single country and more than half of all the cases have been in Europe, with Spain and Italy worst affected. This series of maps and charts tracks the spread of the virus since it emerged in China in December last year.The United States has more than twice as many confirmed cases as any other single country and more than half of all the cases have been in Europe, with Spain and Italy worst affected. This series of maps and charts tracks the spread of the virus since it emerged in China in December last year.

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